The rustic avenues of Old Dilli can be charted by a circuit through its many iconic bakeries that date back as far as the First World War, and adorn the narrow, brimming alleyways with a soothing flame that gives life to savoury, baked goodies such as rusk, sheermal, fen and more. One of these bakeries is the instantly recognizable Flora Bakery - located far from the more commercial Matia Mahal, deep within the bazaar of Chitli Qabar, famous for its sheermal, amongst other items.
Hi, I discovered your blog through Twitter and u must say, you write really well, so much so that I want to visit the places soon. My attention doesn't waiver even a bit while reading your reviews.
Very intricate writing!
Hi, I discovered your blog through Twitter and u must say, you write really well, so much so that I want to visit the places soon. My attention doesn't waiver even a bit while reading your reviews.
Thank you so much! Glad that you enjoyed it.